February 24, 2023

Implemented TinaCMS

Since I started working with Astro.build I was looking for a really simple CMS system that could publish Markdown (.md) files to GitHub and found that TinaCMS could do the job...

Implemented it to this website and going to give it a try to see if I’m going to keep it.

Adding it to an existing Astro.build website was quite easy. I only had some troubles with getting it to build and deploy correctly in Netlify, but that was mainly because I was editing the build commands in the wrong location.

Basic information on how to implement it on your Astro.build website can be found on the Astro.build docs page about TinaCMS

Duplicated the blog post Content Collection in the TinaCMS schema.collections array and we were good to go.

For Netlify deployment I only had to change the netlify.toml file, by replacing the build command “astro build” with “tinacms build && astro build”

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